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It's finally done.

You wouldn't know it, this project took 1 year & 9 months to make. Usually all of my projects are done under a week or a day.

It took a year to write the story, and I still don't like it. So much so that I let the project died. 8 months later, I gave this project a resurrection. Decided I was only going to draw half the script, I just pick 6 scenes, 2 from act 1, act 2 & act 3. Also I picked 2 of my favorite scenes which has no relevance to the actual plot.

The actual drawing just took a week to make, & 2 days to make this website.


This project was originally supposed to be in full color & drawn in a ultra-realistic style. But I didn't do none of that.


Well thats all I have to say about that.

I'll see you around.


                 Martin King        2015-09-25          4:12pm

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